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Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder, is a condition defined by discomfort and stiffness in the shoulder joints. People with diabetes and those who have had their arms confined for a long time are more likely to experience this. This is a frequent type of discomfort that affects over 1 million people in India each year.

It is divided into three stages: freezing,frozen, and thawing. Pain begins to appear during the freezing period. This stage lasts 6-9 months and is indicated by a shoulder ache that is worse at night. Then comes the frozen state. The pain lessens, but the stiffness worsens. This stage might span anywhere from 4 to 12 months. Finally, there occurs the thawing stage. This is the stage of recovery. It can take anywhere from six months to two years. It could take anywhere from a year to three years to completely heal.


Its causes are presently unknown. This usually happens between the ages of 40 and 60, and it affects more women than males. If you're recovering from a medical condition like a stroke or surgery that prevents you from using your arm, your risk may increase.

You may also be at a higher risk if you have certain medical complications. If you have diabetes, you may be more susceptible to frozen shoulder.


• • •
  • Pain and stiffness in the shoulder
  • It hurts to move the shoulders
  • Discomfort in the upper arm


This includes self-care, therapies, medications, and medical procedures. • Self-care- Exercise is the only self-care that can assist to recover frozen shoulders in a short period of time.
Therapies- This includes:-

  • Joint manipulation, or stretching a joint to regain mobility and relieve discomfort
  • Chiropractic treatment involves adjusting the spine and massaging the back to alleviate discomfort.
  • Stretching activities can help you become more flexible and improve overall muscle strength.
  • Physical therapy to regain muscle strength.
  • Medicines- There are also a few medications that can help persons with frozen shoulder. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are one type of pain reliever. The second is a steroid, which is used to reduce inflammation.
  • Medical techniques- This includes Therapeutic ultrasound that is used to treat sprains and other injuries using heat and vibrations from sound waves.


Though frozen shoulder is a long-term condition, physiotherapy can help speed up healing. Exercises for frozen shoulder are usually the core of frozen shoulder treatment. The frozen shoulder exercises will aid in the restoration of shoulder muscle mobility and strength. There are several clinics available for Physiotherapy for Frozen Shoulder in Gurgaon. Among them, Physio Health Plus is the best physiotherapy clinic in Gurgaon Frozen Shoulder which aims to provide you with the best physiotherapist for Frozen Shoulder in Gurgaon.

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